Laboratory for Matter in Extreme Conditions

The LMCE is a research laboratory affiliated to the University of Paris-Saclay that covers a wide range of materials science areas, going from the ab-initio scale up to the macroscopic scale, joining together experiments and numerical simulations.


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The chemistry of protactinium revisited through quantum calculations

The recent advances concerning the complex chemistry of the protactinium ion presented in the paper T. Shaaban et al. Chem. Comm. (2024) have recently been featured in the news of the chemistry section of the CNRS. The associated article can be viewed by following this link.

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The pulsed power facility in the spotlight

The paper presenting the development of the pulsed power facility (EPP) B. Jodar et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 103526 (2024) has recently been selected has a scientific highlight of the American Institue of Physics (AIP). The associated article can be read via this link.

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Cold fission to probe nuclear deformation

A LMCE research team has shown how the measurement of some rare events of the nuclear fission (cold fission) gives some feedback on the deformation of the nascent fragments. This study has been highlighted in a publication that can be found following this link A. Francheteau et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 (2024).