
Gaétan SARY


I first came into contact with plasma physics during my PhD which dealt with the numerical modeling of hollow cathodes as part of space propulsion systems. I then joined the CEA in 2016, first as a postdoctoral researcher, and then as a permanent scientist, on the topic of laser-plasma interaction. My work is split between two broad areas of research:

  • on the one hand, I am concerned with the theoretical and numerical modeling of parametric instabilities (stimulated Raman and Brillouin scatterings, two-plasmon decay etc.) triggered by laser beams in the frame of inertial confinement fusion experiments and their control via optical smoothing,
  • on the other hand, I am also involved in the design and simulation of laser-generated high-energy radiation and particle sources for the purpose of plasma diagnostics. These various studies are enabled by the development and implementation of numerical methods fit for massively parallel computing facilities. In that regard, I am particularly interested in the application of spectral methods to wave equations as well as in particle-in-cell-like approaches.