


I am a theoretical an applied physicist. My main interest is in complex flows. During my early carrer, I studied general relativistic flows as a PhD student at the Astrophysics Institute in Paris and as a NASA postdoc in the US. As a permanent researcher at CEA, I continued studying complex flows in the realm of plasmas physics at high energy density (HED). I have studied one-fluid turbulent flows and two-fluid turbulent mixing and he has studied flows involving strong shocks, radiative transfert and laser interaction with matter at extreme conditions. I am now involved in understanding the influence of microscopic physics (through the use of molecular dynamic simulations) on macroscopic plasma flows generated in inertial confinement fusion (ICF) experiments. I took part to numerous HED and ICF experiments carried out on several high power laser facilities such as LIL and LULI in France, OMEGA and NIF in the US and SACLA in Japan. I teach an advanced course in quantum mechanics at Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay.