


During my phD thesis at Ecole Polytechnique, I used laser driven shocks for Equation of state measurement. For this purpose, I developed the first VISAR system on an european laser facility. This system still remains the workhorse of the laboratory planetology community. Until 2020, my work at CEA was mainly experimental, as a user of large laser facilities (OMEGA, LMJ or NIF), with a focus on Inertial Confinement Fusion. In Hohlraum physics, my main contribution was the development of the “Rugby” hohlraums, demonstrating a significant improvement of energetic coupling to the capsule. In the domain of Capsule Physics, I studied mainly implosion symmetry and microscopic conditions in the hotspot. This topic found a natural application to the study of matter properties in extreme conditions, with first measurements of spectral opacities at pressures higher by several orders of magnitude to what can be reached with the usual schemes. In 2019, I was the PI of the first Inertial Confinement Fusion experiments on the Laser MégaJoule (both in direct and indirect drive), for which we developped and calibrated a 3-axis neutron diagnostic. Since 2021, my work has evolved more toward simulation and design, with special interest for 3D hydrodynamics and alternate ignition schemes, seeking to minimize the energy needed for ignition.