- Kinetic theory and numerical modeling of Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) plasmas and laser-created plasmas [1]. Ion-kinetic effects occurring in hot plasmas are investigated by means of a theoretical and numerical modeling through a Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation. Various situations are involved, either academic (structure of the front of a strong collisional shock wave in a plasma) or modeling actual ICF experiments (implosion of gas-filled microballoons, development of combustion in targets with a significant thermonuclear gain).
- Investigation of the hydrodynamical consequences of plasma collisions [2]. Physical-numerical models are developed, aiming at accounting, by means of hydrodynamical codes, for ion-kinetic effects arising when plasmas encounter in confining geometries, e.g., indirect-drive ICF hohlraums. Concretely the latter involve multi-fluid codes and/or hydrodynamics extended to moments of higher order than those usually taken into account in Euler equations.
- Modeling of an X-UV laser within a laser-created plasma [3]. The generation and coherent amplification of X-UV radiation in a hot plasma displaying a population inversion between states of the contained multi-charged ions is described on the basis of a Bloch-Maxwell formalism. The latter allows to investigate the amplification of high-order harmonics injected into the active plasma, and the spatial and temporal coherence of the X-UV radiation produced.
[1] H. Sio et al, Phys. Plasmas 26, 072703 (2019).
[2] O. Larroche, Eur. Phys. J. D 75, 297 (2021).
[3] A. K. Pandey et al, Opt. Express 28, 28924 (2020).