Interests: Laser-Plasma interaction, dense plasmas simulation, statistical physics, equation of state transport coefficients, quantum molecular dynamics, optical properties of shocked matter, warm dense matter, Orbital Free methods. Cursus:
- 3rd cycle 1983, ORLEANS.
- HDR 2000 Pierre et Marie Curie.
- CEA Research Director 2008.
- INSTN Teacher 2009. Students supervision and collaborations:
- 5 PhD students 9 trainees students.
- Los-Alamos, Sandia, Livermore Lab.
- Organisation of 12 conferences and CECAM workshop. Member of the board for Strongly Correlated Coulomb Systems and Physics of Non-Ideal Plasmas. Publications:
- 78 publications and more than 20 proceedings, books chapters and magazines.
- Hindex 27 on Web of Science (1800 citations), 27 on ADS (1800 citations) and 29 on Google Scholar (2400 citations).