


I obtained my PhD thesis from the University of Bordeaux in 2014. The subject was the study of nuclear excitation processes in laser-created plasmas. I the joined the CEA DAM Ile-de-France for a postdoctoral position on the characterization of isomer production by radiative capture. I accomplished another postdoctoral position at the CENBG laboratory (CNRS/IN2P3) to study of the feasibility of measuring de-excitation probabilities (gamma and fission) in storage rings. I joined CEA-DAM Ile-de-France in 2018 as a research engineer. My work focused on the characterization and development of neutron detectors. I also participated in the re-exploitation of data from past experiments. Thanks to an internal mobility in 2022, I joined a laboratory managing two electrostatic accelerators (a 4 MV Van de Graaff and a 7 MV Tandem). I participate in the production and characterization of particle beams, in particular neutrons, produced as well as in the development of diagnostics. I also carry out simulations of the neutron detectors used within the laboratory with the MCNP and Geant4 codes.