Professional cursus:
- Since 2007: Researcher at CEA (France),
- 2005-2007: Postdoc at GSI/R3B (Germany),
- 2005: Thesis on Alpha-, Beta- and Gamma-spectroscopy of transfermium nuclei,
- 2002-2005: PhD-student at IRFU, CEA, Saclay (France). Recent research:
- Measurement of isotopic fission yields produced in Coulomb-induced fission, using inverse kinematics at relativisitic energy / R3B/SOFIA collaboration / Experiments performed at FAIR/R3B facility (Germany).
- Measurement of the prompt-fission-neutron spectra in neutron induced fission / DAM/NNSA collaboration / Experiments performed at the WNR facility of the Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA).