Scientific activities:
- Theoretical developments within the “Density Functional Theory” (DFT): electronic correlations, relativistic effects, materials response to perturbations, electron-positron interaction, …
- Theoretical developments of the “Projector Augmented-Wave” (PAW) method, a generalization of the pseudopotential approach.
- Study of matter under “warm dense” regime (Warm Dense Matter): equation of state, spectroscopy, …
- Study of correlated materials, including “actinides” and their oxides.
- “High Performance Computing” (HPC), especially for the development of the ABINIT software.
Software developments:
- ABINIT project: an international collaborative project for the calculation of the thermodynamic, mechanical, vibrational, optical, … properties of matter, in the plane-wave DFT approach. I am one of the main developers and coordinate the CEA developments. I am also member of the advisory board of the project.
- ATOMPAW software: a code for the generatation of projector and basis functions which are needed for performing electronic structure calculations based on the Projector Augmented-Wave (PAW) method. I am one of the authors of the code, written in collaboration with Natalie Holzwarth from the University of Winston-Salem (USA, North Carolina).