


Studies at l’Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris ( 78-82), Agrégation in Physics’ (1982) and State Doctorate Thesis (1987 ) from University Paris 6.

Distinguished research scientist of the technical staff of CEA. Member of Science Advissory committees of ESRF synchrotron and EU-XFEL.

Research interests are in high pressure physics, covering a large spectra of techniques, systems and phenomena. Specially, advancing extreme conditions research by coupling the use of the diamond anvil cell to the large facilities: synchrotrons (ESRF and SOLEIL ) ,and KJ to MJ lasers (LLE & NIF). Main contributions are in the study of hydrogen and of simple molecular systems under high pressure.

Recipient of: bronze medal of the CNRS (1988), the ESRF young scientist award (1996), the Bridgman award (2015) of the AIRAPT, the Emilie du Châtelet award of the French Physical Society ( 2020) and the Lazare Carnot Prize of the French Academy of Science (2021) .