François JOLLET
I have got an ingeneer diploma at Ecole Centrale de Paris (1985). I got my PhD in material sciences at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI) in 1989 and my “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” (HDR) in 1997. I am working in CEA in France since 1989. My field of expertise is electronic structure calculations, especially for correlated materials. I am author or co-authors of 59 publications that lead to more than 9000 citations. I have worked first on the influence of defects on the electronic structure of oxides (stoichiometry defects, irradiation defects, …) and on the modelisation of X-ray absorption spectra in correlated oxides thanks to configuration interactions models, model Hamiltonians, and DFT LDA+U calculations (LMTO and plane-wave codes). I then studied correlated metals like rare-earth and actinides (equations of state, relativistic effects, thermodynamical properties, …). I am involved in the development of the ABINIT code (electronic structure), especially for which concerns the implementation of spin-orbit coupling, the implementation of the PAW method, and of several functionalities in this formalism: LDA+U, hybrid functionals. I belong to the ABINIT advisory board. I have given several lectures on condensed matter and on the PAW method, especially for ABINIT’s tutorials and have organized several workshops or conferences. I am also involved in the development of PAW atomic data thanks to the ATOMPAW code.