My work concerns the simulation at the atomic scale of matter at extreme conditions, in particular at high temperature in the so-called “warm dense matter” regime, which is at the interface between condensed matter and dense plasmas. Warm dense matter can be experimentally generated through intense laser pulses and I study the different relaxation processes that appear after such excitations. The simulations are mostly based on “density functional theory” (DFT) which allows for the efficient description of the electronic structure of materials. In order to study the electronic response to an intense laser pulse, I am implementing the real-time time dependent version of DFT (TDDFT) in the Abinit code. This method not only gives access to the electronic dynamics but also allows the computation of various spectroscopic and transport properties, as well as the study of electron stopping power of materials.
- Ph.D. at CentraleSupélec (France) “Modelling and simulation of nuclear quantum effects in molecular dynamics simulations”
- Postdoctorate at the university of Bochum (RUB, Germany) “Path Integral simulations of molecules embedded in liquid helium clusters”