
François BOTTIN


Scientist at CEA since 2006. My research activities are:

  • Lattice dynamics including anharmonicity : implementation of the aTDEP code in the ABINIT package.
  • Equation of states, melting curves and phase diagrams : Zr, Si, Sn, Au, U, Pu, Ti, Zr, Fe, MgO, Al…
  • Electronic correlation effects in actinides : Pu, UO2, PuO2, Pu2O3… (bulk and surface). Career:
  • Post-doc at ENS-Cachan (supervisor G. Zérah) in 2006.
  • Post-doc at CEA (supervisors F. Jollet & M. Torrent) from 2004 to 2006.
  • PhD in Material Sciences (advisors C. Noguera & F. Finocchi), Sorbonne Université (Paris) in 2004.