



ExaCoddex is a continuum mechanics code designed to study the dynamic behavior of crystalline solids. It integrates numerous physical ingredients to simulate the behavior of materials under shock: thermics, elasticity, plasticity, phase transformation and twinning.

The code benefits from the laboratory’s expertise in these fields. Numerous dislocation density-based crystal plasticity models, informed by dislocation dynamics or molecular dynamics calculations, are available in the code. ExaCoddex provides a detailed understanding of deformation mechanisms at the polycrystal scale. This sometimes requires large computing boxes, which is why its architecture and parallelism have been designed for use on supercomputers.

The representation of phase transitions is based on an original phase field by reaction pathway (PFRP) formalism in which transformation states are marked on a graph as shown in Figure 2. This formalism enables deformation-driven phase transitions to be handled efficiently. Besides, as many transformation variants as desired can be included in the analysis. ExaCoddex can therefore be used as a numerical tool whose predictions in terms of microstructures are compared with experiments. It incorporates

ExaCoddex simulation of the successive formation of transformation variants, taken from [1]

Figure 2:

ExaCoddex simulation of the successive formation of transformation variants, taken from [1]


  1. C. Denoual, A. Vattré, A phase field approach with a reaction pathways-based potential to model reconstructive martensitic transformations with a large number of variants, JMPS 90, 91-107 (2016) DOI