We develop new experimental tools to reach higher compression and pressures beyond traditional range of the diamond anvil cell (105Pa-300 GPa=1 atm-3 million atm). This includes coupling between static and dynamic ramp compression with ultra-intense lasers, dynamic compression, and static compression with advanced designs and micromachining of diamond anvils. A static pressure in the range of 600 GPa has been reached using so-called “toroidal diamond anvils” design, which allowed entering the range of metallization of pure hydrogen and deuterium. Conditions of giant planets and stars can be reproduced in the laboratory. Pressure gauges need to be calibrated in this range, which is also part of our efforts.

Figure 2:
Scheme of experiments combining static compression in a diamond anvil cell and dynamic compression by laser. Measurements obtained in the case of hydrogen-helium mixtures, from Brygoo et al., Nature 593, 7860, 2021
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Researchers involved
S. Brygoo, A. Dewaele, P. Dumas, A. Forestier, P. Loubeyre, F. Occelli, C. Pépin, A. Sollier, G. Weck